Local 79 Retiree Chapter
Bay Area Retiree Chapter ****ATTENTION**** Retiree Chapter General Membership Meeting June 7, 2024 10:00 a.m. ******************************************************* The Bay Area Retiree Chapter meets at 10 a.m. on the first Wednesday of the month during the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. The meetings are held at Teamsters Local Union No. 79 located at 5818 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33619. Club dues are $30.00 per year and your spouse is our guest. We currently have 152 members plus spouses. Remember, the stronger we are, the more we will be heard on issues that affect retirees. Local 79's Executive Board has adopted a program where the Local will pay the first year's Retiree Club dues for all members who retire from Local 79. We would like to thank Local 79's Executive Board in assisting our Retiree Club by paying the first year's Club dues and making the members aware of our Retiree Club. The Bay Area Retiree Chapter was founded on July 21, 1986 and we welcome all Teamster retirees to join us at our meeting. To read the current and past editions of the BARC Newsletter, please see below. Contact Information: (813) 376-3332 Office (813) 621-1391 ~President~ Ken Wood Steve Mosley, Vice President Joe Rumore, Recording Secretary Manuel Rodriguez, Trustee Frank LaRocca, Trustee Ray Mattson, Trustee Larry Dupree, Chairman Political Committee Gary Kaleskas, Chairman Event Coordinator Bob Maldunas, Chairman Membership Development
Page Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024 (15:52:59)